Arguably a Spear Counterpart to Lipstick Lesbian, though the 'Chapstick' type (not particularly butch or femme) mentioned in its description fits more under this trope.
May be associated with Have I Mentioned I Am Gay? in cases where the writing isn't nuanced enough to support a gay character sans constant explanations. The trope itself isn't necessarily harmful, but applying it to real people can be.
Gay men exhibiting masculine tendencies or preferring masculine hobbies isn't necessarily a problem it's when it is used to vocally differentiate the individual from ' those gays' that it becomes an issue. In some cases � especially Soap Operas � this may be because of the writers changing their minds about an originally heterosexual character.Ī lot of gay people object to the term itself (especially with the term Straight-Acting), arguing that gender presentation and sexual orientation are unrelated, and that the term is unnecessarily divisive.